What's the point of giving points away?

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-, female

  Level 11 - Analyst

Posts: 178

What's the point of giving points away?

from Kat on 06/09/2015 06:03 PM

Do We get a cookie?



30, male

  Level 10 - Negotiator

Posts: 70

Re: What's the point of giving points away?

from Dan on 06/09/2015 06:52 PM

Happiness in the receiving end :)


Deleted user

Re: What's the point of giving points away?

from Skunky on 06/09/2015 07:21 PM

most secretly likes points, even if they don't admit it.



-, female

  Level 11 - Analyst

Posts: 178

Re: What's the point of giving points away?

from Kat on 06/09/2015 07:29 PM

I love points, but what's the point? I'd rather have a cookie.



-, male

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 45

Re: What's the point of giving points away?

from corey on 06/10/2015 07:05 AM

exaxtly, especially when its too easy to accumulate points  with one line comments.   I mean I went up a level after only 2 or  3 comments.

I would think it would be more benificial to work on things like getting spell check working, edit posts, reply to specific posts. etc which have greater value than points given easily.

I really like my privacy, its nothing personal against anyone here. especially in light of having accounts locked on sodahead.


Deleted user

Re: What's the point of giving points away?

from Tiffanee on 06/10/2015 07:08 AM

I would rather have karma than points but even that is pointless IMO.


Deleted user

Re: What's the point of giving points away?

from Skunky on 06/10/2015 07:32 AM

the levels are too close together and and umm... i don't think we need points period but the Mod has it set up like sodahead so its all good..

i wish replies to opnions wouldn't look like regular posts. and i wish we had notifications on here (i did subsribe to the section but i kept getting emails from other users who awnser in the catagory)

i wish we had a like button.

this site is still far form perfect but it has potential to be the next sodahead-like site. 

Reply Edited on 06/10/2015 07:33 AM.

Deleted user

Re: What's the point of giving points away?

from Freeranger on 06/10/2015 12:08 PM

After detesting the whole points scam on SH, which led, IMO, to a host of mediocre question and discussion, I welcome the opposite, and in fact am making it a point to get rid of every one of my points.  As you can see, some things never go away and we have people racing on to nowhere once again.

Not me



30, female

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 30

Re: What's the point of giving points away?

from Yuffie on 06/10/2015 08:57 PM

Do you get points for giving away points?        



75, female

  Level 4 - Idealist

Posts: 21

Re: What's the point of giving points away?

from Cat on 06/10/2015 10:09 PM

Just to spur people to generate silly polls one ritht after another, for no other reason than to amass points.  


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