Should each state do what this state has? Maine Just Put Welfare Leeches in Their Place, Every American Needs To See What Happened Next

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-, female

  Level 7 - Critic

Posts: 97

Should each state do what this state has? Maine Just Put Welfare Leeches in Their Place, Every American Needs To See What Happened Next

from Lady on 06/14/2015 05:53 PM

Governor Paul LePage of Maine isn't running for president in 2016. But perhaps he should be. Because he is doing in Maine exactly what Americans want to see — but other candidates are not even talking about.

Last November, just one week after his re-election, LePage did something unusual — he made good on a major campaign promise, by slashing funds for cities who give welfare to illegal aliens. The policy has already had a huge impact, with illegals fleeing in droves, and Democrat mayors having to defend giving handouts to illegal invaders before angry voters.

Now, just 6 months later, LePage is making good on another promise: to put an end to welfare leeches in his state, once and for all.

The results are something every American should see — an EPIC victory. And Maine's Democrats are FURIOUS.

Governor LePage passed a measure last year that requires recipients of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistant Program (SNAP) to complete a certain number of work, job-training, or volunteer hours in order to be eligible for assistance. The new requirement has resulted in a dramatic decline in food stamp enrollment, resulting in a logical win-win for all of Maine.

At the end of 2014 the enrollment count for SNAP was approximately 12,000 individuals. Now that individuals have to complete either 20 hours of part-time work a week, volunteer for at least 24 hours per month, or get involved in a vocational program, the amount of SNAP recipients has dramatically dropped from 12,000 to approximately 2,500 by the end of March — a nearly 80% reduction in welfare.

The drop in numbers exceeded Republicans' expectations by leaps and bounds.

Instead of just giving welfare applicants an easy way out, Maine is forcing people to explore every opportunity for employment before allowing capable adults to take advantage of the system and the people of Maine.

Of course Democrats are insisting that the program targets those in poverty or rural areas but their argument is invalid. The individuals benefiting from the new food-stamp law are the ones who really need the assistance and aren't just lazy parasites to society who suck the vitality out of taxpayers.

This is a huge victory for the Republicans of Maine and of course the sore loser Democrats are trying to tarnish the reformation's success. Democrats are urging for special measures to ease back on some of the new requirements because they are "too strict". Too strict to get off your butt and earn your money, or at least volunteer or learn a skill? Maine citizens aren't buying it.

Lady - formerly SH Eastedie

Reply Edited on 06/14/2015 05:53 PM.


94, male

  Level 9 - Commentator

Posts: 161

Re: Should each state do what this state has? Maine Just Put Welfare Leeches in Their Place, Every American Needs To See What Happened Next

from JohnnyRudick on 06/14/2015 06:49 PM

Good for Maine. That state needed a turn around.


Deleted user

Re: Should each state do what this state has? Maine Just Put Welfare Leeches in Their Place, Every American Needs To See What Happened Next

from Freeranger on 06/14/2015 08:00 PM

As a native, we've been run by the Left for decades until LePage, a Conservative, who went from being a homeless kid on the streets to college and businessman, to Governor.  LePage was reelected to a second term....and he's a guy who knows all about welfare on a personal level.  He still volunteers his time to Mid-Maine homeless shelter.
He's blunt, a fighter, and he doesn't pull any punches.  In looking at the way Maine used to do business, he decided enough was enough, and while there will always be extenuating circumstances, he changed the welfare state in Maine, granting individuals five years but.....there are going to be no more career welfare leeches as termed here.
He's a brawler, and a no-bullshitter, and he knew he had to be because illegals and out of staters were flocking here because of it's former porous policies.  The Democratics absolutely hate him.
My kind of guy.



73, female

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 37

Re: Should each state do what this state has? Maine Just Put Welfare Leeches in Their Place, Every American Needs To See What Happened Next

from betz on 06/14/2015 09:31 PM

WOW!!!  I don't know the age of this man but I am certainly going to be doing some research on him.  What a level headed and at  same time compassionate person.  You go Governor. 

This man should definitely consider a run for the office of the presidency. 


Deleted user

Re: Should each state do what this state has? Maine Just Put Welfare Leeches in Their Place, Every American Needs To See What Happened Next

from Freeranger on 06/14/2015 09:54 PM

You either love him or hate him.  I've stated my feelings.  He drives liberals nuts however.



74, female

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 40

Re: Should each state do what this state has? Maine Just Put Welfare Leeches in Their Place, Every American Needs To See What Happened Next

from ozzyboy on 06/14/2015 10:14 PM

Common sense returns in the form of LePage? Good for Maine for having the intellect to vote in a guy like him. It's the voters that allow so much of this stuff to happen.


Deleted user

Re: Should each state do what this state has? Maine Just Put Welfare Leeches in Their Place, Every American Needs To See What Happened Next

from JohnT on 06/14/2015 11:04 PM

 I think it sounds reasonable and hope the whole process can spread to other states.
My state (California) is considering giving free health care to the Illegals children. I don't wish to be a curmudgeon when it comes to child health care but where is the money coming from?  Children are our most important asset and I don't care about the illegal Allien aspect but I do care that there needs to be funding in place from those that are illegal. No such thing as a free ride in society.



58, female

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 22

Re: Should each state do what this state has? Maine Just Put Welfare Leeches in Their Place, Every American Needs To See What Happened Next

from MrsJJS on 06/15/2015 06:53 AM

I've always been in favour of a quid pro quo arrangement when it comes to welfare. Having a welfare system without structure or an end goal and leaving people languish year after year on welfare is detrimental to the recipient's feelings of self-esteem, self-worth and sense of purpose.

When a person is off work for a considerable amount of time they tend to lose confidence and their sense of purpose. Volunteering and/or learning new skills helps them to get back into a routine and gives them a reason to get up every day.

For those who have little to no experience or employable skills it gives them the experience or skills to add to a resume/job application. It also helps to renew their sense of purpose and pride when they are earning their own money.

Intentionally keeping people dependant on the state and not encouraging them to be independent is abusive and a form of vote buying.


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