I have noticed that Google has changed a lot, lately. I am worried they are going to get rid of Gmail, at some point.

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37, female

  Level 1 - Innovator

Posts: 155

I have noticed that Google has changed a lot, lately. I am worried they are going to get rid of Gmail, at some point.

from EternalSailorSol on 06/08/2015 03:45 AM

When I first signed up for SodaHead, I used a gmail e-mail address.  I also used my Gmail address for this one. I hope this site allows us to change e-mail addresses. Plus, I don't know what is going to happen wioth Yahoo, in the future, I got an e-mail with them as well. 

I heard there is going to be a total Internet take-over on June 12, in the USA, but I don't know much about it, because I live in Canada.

Any suggestions would be helpful.

Reply Edited on 06/08/2015 03:54 AM.


29, male

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 54

Re: I have noticed that Google has changed a lot, lately. I am worried they are going to get rid of Gmail, at some point.

from Scheissegal on 06/08/2015 04:35 AM

That "Internet Takeover" is one big hoax most conservatives made up to try to scare you. I've done research on it, there's no such thing, if there were--it would have exploded as much as the net neutrality scare did.

Why do you have a feeling Gmail will be disappearing? It's the largest email service in the world, they wouldn't simply wipe it off the face of the Internet.


Deleted user

Re: I have noticed that Google has changed a lot, lately. I am worried they are going to get rid of Gmail, at some point.

from Tiffanee on 06/08/2015 05:18 AM

I have a gmail account and this is all news to me. I wouldn't worry too much about it.



37, female

  Level 1 - Innovator

Posts: 155

Re: I have noticed that Google has changed a lot, lately. I am worried they are going to get rid of Gmail, at some point.

from EternalSailorSol on 06/08/2015 05:44 AM

I am probably just being paranoid about the Gmail and Yahoo thing. But be warned about this: Internet Take Over (please click on the link).

Reply Edited on 06/08/2015 05:47 AM.


-, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 39

Re: I have noticed that Google has changed a lot, lately. I am worried they are going to get rid of Gmail, at some point.

from Cezar on 06/08/2015 05:54 AM



The Internet takeover is not a hoax.


Just look at what happened with Sodahead.






61, male

  Level 7 - Critic

Posts: 86

Re: I have noticed that Google has changed a lot, lately. I am worried they are going to get rid of Gmail, at some point.

from Gregaj7 on 06/08/2015 07:34 AM

I'm not concerned either way.  If the Vatican/Illuminati Cabal wants a backlash they can't handle, just try to shut-down the web, whole.



-, female

  Level 7 - Critic

Posts: 97

Re: I have noticed that Google has changed a lot, lately. I am worried they are going to get rid of Gmail, at some point.

from Lady on 06/08/2015 01:42 PM

This site does allow you to change your e-mail address should that happen.  Just edit your profile in the "e-mail" spot and all is good.

There will be a lot of changes to the Internet when the ruling made last month by the FCC goes into effect at the end of August.  I suspect there will be a lot of censorship.  Guess we'll find out.

I am very appreciative of the person who set us this site for all of us X-Sodaheads.

Lady - formerly SH Eastedie



38, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 47

Re: I have noticed that Google has changed a lot, lately. I am worried they are going to get rid of Gmail, at some point.

from ajmsituation on 06/08/2015 02:14 PM

I'm not worried about it, but if you are you can always back up your emails to your computer. Google is too heavily invested to be shut down so I don't really see it going anywhere.



45, male

  Level 9 - Commentator

Posts: 23

Re: I have noticed that Google has changed a lot, lately. I am worried they are going to get rid of Gmail, at some point.

from Transquesta on 06/12/2015 06:10 AM

Don't worry about it.  Gmail is a data miner's dream.  They're not about to give up that gusher of information on people's private lives.

Government kills


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