Do you think this site is a good sodahead repalcment?

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Do you think this site is a good sodahead repalcment?

from Skunky on 06/09/2015 08:09 AM

We can stil ask questions and what not which is nice, and its not overwlehimg liek facebook. and We can be more creative and what not.


Deleted user

Re: Do you think this site is a good sodahead repalcment?

from Jules on 06/15/2015 06:45 PM

Yes and glad there isn't any "Leaderboard!"          I do hope somehow maybe soon a ratings thing can be crafted. That was a nice feature at the former SH but for a change not for points just for liking questions and replies.          =)



55, female

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Re: Do you think this site is a good sodahead repalcment?

from Ang on 06/16/2015 08:59 AM

yeah I talked to Administration already, they don't talk like that would happen but sometimes I think keeping it simple might be best but yes, I like the like button too!


Deleted user

Re: Do you think this site is a good sodahead repalcment?

from Freeranger on 06/16/2015 03:13 PM

I'm satisfied for right now.  Like anything else, it will take time for it to grow and morph into other things, but all the stupid cliques and hero worship is gone, along with their obnoxious wannabe's.  I see this site in continued growth.



29, female

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Posts: 11

Re: Do you think this site is a good sodahead repalcment?

from mousegirl on 06/26/2015 02:11 PM

It's o.k.
I'm glad that you guys have created this site. THANKS A LOT!! So we have the chance to meet some SH-friends again.
I must admit that there are things I miss. And I miss my SH-Buddies.
Like Freeranger said it will take time to grow and morph.



74, female

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Posts: 40

Re: Do you think this site is a good sodahead repalcment?

from ozzyboy on 06/28/2015 04:12 AM

At least we have somewhere to go to reconnect with our SH friends. I agree that a like button would be really nice.



94, male

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Re: Do you think this site is a good sodahead repalcment?

from JohnnyRudick on 06/28/2015 04:41 AM

No, not a very good "replacement" but it is still a great site.
Many seem to be very happy with it so that's cool.


I personally like The people are nice (they are here as well).

It does have a "like" option for posts you "like".
Um, did I say that the people are nice?
You can have picture albums and such.
Did I say that the people are nice? Not like the old sodahead where crocodiles lay in wait to ambush . . .



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Posts: 97

Re: Do you think this site is a good sodahead repalcment?

from Lady on 06/28/2015 03:27 PM

It doesn't compare to the old Sodahead site until it was sold.

Lady - formerly SH Eastedie



99, female

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 52

Re: Do you think this site is a good sodahead repalcment?

from GreatLakes on 06/29/2015 05:26 AM

I like it, just getting used to the change.



62, female

  Level 11 - Analyst

Posts: 314

Re: Do you think this site is a good sodahead repalcment?

from Honeyrose on 06/29/2015 09:28 AM

I loved Sodahead but, this one is starting to grow on me.

Laurel Hoberg

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