as far as I can tell, sodaheads not doing so good as a polling place

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-, male

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 45

as far as I can tell, sodaheads not doing so good as a polling place

from corey on 06/15/2015 03:12 PM

I am not sure how frequent the polls were submittend when it was user submitted, so I am not sure how to compare in regards to if polls are being submitted a voted on compared to before the lockout.

I went there to see how it was doing on the polls, because I had a disturbing thought about why they would suddenly lock us out of our accounts.  It gives them a large user base that they could artificially vote on behalf of users using the meta data that was collected.  Like the IP address. etc.    To make it look like real people were voting certain way on issues.

As I was scanning to see just how many new recent polls were done, there were not many, since the lockout. 

One I came accross was a "fox news politics" who left a question in entertainment when it was really politics and involves a serious issue about national sovernty. Question was about whether we should abandon or go forward with the secret trade deals like TPP. 

Why the hell was it in entertainment to begin with?  so far it has zero votes.   but there were other topics but few.  What I noticed was it is hovering about 200-300 votes.   for new entries since the lockout.  especially in the politics/news.

I voted only once because I wanted to see if it would actually work.  I was testing if they locked out the user voting. In order to manipulate poles using our user meta data to impersonate people or not.    They did not lock the voting but it doesn't mean they are not or will not use our meta dsata to give false votes to scew the polls a certain way, especially when it gets closer to elections.

Based on the few polls I am not sure if sodahead is going to contiue to function unless they charge a arm and a leg to the news agencies and such. 

Lets help speed it along to its death by boycotting it even the polls.   without the user generated votes its dead no matter how much the organizations pay to post their polls.   Eventually if no-one votes, the organizations will abandon sodahead too.

Now I just had another real disturbing thought.

swagbucks bought sodahead for 61million   I strongly suspect by closing the accounts they knew it would kill the site.  If this is true, then why pay 61 million for it if you kill  the polling itself, especially when you claim that will be your focus?    What is left that is actually worth MORE THAN 61 million dollars??   our accounts and all the asociated data on us as former users.

I think this buy out was more a slight of hands and misdirections as to why the buyout occured.

I also noticed it won't let you look at how people voted unless you vote.  This is disturbing to be because the polls can be minipulated then for example I vote yes maybe they add other votes to boost total numbers up.   Especially if not many people are polling.

PS I voted on the Trade agreement poll, because it was too important not too, I voted "NO"  that it should be abbandoned.
64% say abbandon the agreements.

I have no more intention to vote again, other than to stop in periodicly to keep track of how many people are voting and how many polls are being submitted.

and making dang sure that ad blockers and such are turned "on", so they get no revenue from me when I do go.

I really like my privacy, its nothing personal against anyone here. especially in light of having accounts locked on sodahead.



-, female

  Level 7 - Critic

Posts: 97

Re: as far as I can tell, sodaheads not doing so good as a polling place

from Lady on 06/15/2015 03:50 PM

I agree with you, Corey.  What better way to manipulate then to add us to their mix.  I hope they die on the vine!

Lady - formerly SH Eastedie



74, female

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 40

Re: as far as I can tell, sodaheads not doing so good as a polling place

from ozzyboy on 06/15/2015 04:03 PM

If the polls are so easily manipulated and we know they are, think of what they can/did do in the elections.



30, male

  Level 10 - Negotiator

Posts: 70

Re: as far as I can tell, sodaheads not doing so good as a polling place

from Dan on 06/15/2015 04:31 PM

I just found today that SodaHead is also having a non-English sites which looks same as SodaHead.


Deleted user

Re: as far as I can tell, sodaheads not doing so good as a polling place

from Freeranger on 06/15/2015 06:22 PM

I left my thoughts elsewhere 



94, male

  Level 9 - Commentator

Posts: 161

Re: as far as I can tell, sodaheads not doing so good as a polling place

from JohnnyRudick on 06/15/2015 11:53 PM

I still get requests for what I think about it from one that was there when we were I guess it is one of "them".

I answered the first one but seen that evewn though I was able to get to the "thread" I was unable to go anywhere from that spot they let me in at.
I have deleted all newer requests.


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