ALERT: Obama Writes New Laws To Throw People In PRISON For Talking About GUNS On The Internet #2A #NRA

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  Level 3 - Debater

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ALERT: Obama Writes New Laws To Throw People In PRISON For Talking About GUNS On The Internet #2A #NRA

from Barnabas on 06/09/2015 05:20 AM

The National Rifle Association has a warning about Obama and his State Department's latest attack on our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights in which they describe as a "gag order on firearm-related speech."

NRA: Gun blogs, videos, web forums threatened by new Obama regulation

According to the NRA, that would include blogs and web forums discussing technical details of common guns and ammunition, the type of info gun owners and ammo reloaders trade all the time.

"Gunsmiths, manufacturers, reloaders, and do-it-yourselfers could all find themselves muzzled under the rule and unable to distribute or obtain the information they rely on to conduct these activities," said the NRA in a blog posting.




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  Level 11 - Analyst

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Re: ALERT: Obama Writes New Laws To Throw People In PRISON For Talking About GUNS On The Internet #2A #NRA

from Kat on 06/09/2015 05:24 AM

I saw earlier, another unenforceable bunch of crap. That man needs to go away.



74, female

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 40

Re: ALERT: Obama Writes New Laws To Throw People In PRISON For Talking About GUNS On The Internet #2A #NRA

from ozzyboy on 06/09/2015 04:22 PM

Hi Barnabas! Great to see you show up here. How long before even reading such posts as yours will get you in trouble? Where's that free speech law???



66, male

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 23

Re: ALERT: Obama Writes New Laws To Throw People In PRISON For Talking About GUNS On The Internet #2A #NRA

from ProudSaul on 06/10/2015 05:49 PM

You don't honestly expect anyone to believe this nonsense, do you?  Because, if you do, it's really not a good idea to post a link to the actual regulations - which have nothing in there about suppressing free speech.

You'd think the simple fact that it's been six and a half years since the NRA tried to convince the gun nuts that Obama planned to take everyone's guns away, and yet you all still can cling to your guns as much as ever, would teach you folks not to take anything the NRA says seriously, but I guess that's asking too much.



99, male

  Level 4 - Idealist

Posts: 3

Re: ALERT: Obama Writes New Laws To Throw People In PRISON For Talking About GUNS On The Internet #2A #NRA

from urwutuis on 08/23/2015 07:12 AM

Only conseervatives would buy into this steaming heap. Who dreams this stuff up anyway?


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